To make your shopping experience an unforgettable one, and ensure an irresistible customer experience, we offer a wide range of services and facilities including ATMs, free WiFi , valet service & kids carts. What’s more, our Customer Service Officers are always on hand to welcome and assist you with all your shopping requirements, offering new services that can ease any shopper’s journey!
Free Wi-Fi service is available in the mall. Please connect to #Free_Mall_WiFi from the list of Wi-Fi networks.
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Chat with our experts for assistance, enquiries and suggestions.
Courtesy Policy
To ensure your safety & security, it is recommended to follow these few steps.
Customer Service
Services & Facilities: 28 ATMs, Baby changing rooms, Valet Services, Car wash services and kids carts’
Kids Information
City Centre Almaza has got a whole lot of stuff for the little ones! Little shoppers have a list of shops for kids. Have an out-of-this-world experience at Magic Planet! Enjoy a day with
the entire family where exciting games, hair-raising rides and much, much more.
Mall Gift Cards
Say goodbye to the stress of choosing the perfect gift!